A group of students from the University of Florida Biomedical Engineering (BME) department worked with the Center for Safety, Simulation and Advanced Learning Technologies (CSSALT) team on a 2-semester long design project. The project modified one of CSSALT’s mixed reality simulators for transrectal ultrasound prostate biopsy.
In June 2019, the BME design team submitted their project to the Biomedical Engineering Society’s 2019 Annual Design Contest and was selected as one of the top four finalists. The team will have 20 minutes to present their design to judges at the BMES Annual Meeting to be considered for one of three top place prizes.
Congratulations and good luck to the team: Altaful Amin, Justina Chan, Alex Dluzneski, Youssef Elbanna, Marye Lee, Brian Nazareth, Henry Nguyen, and Giancarlo Tejeda!