
The CSSALT lab has received funding from the below institutions.

University of Florida Office of Technology Licensing

University of Florida Office of Technology Licensing Commercialization Fund
Lampotang (PI) 6/2019-9/2020
Novel Precision Guidance for TRUS Templated and Targeted Biopsy. Design & develop an MRI-less 3D visualization guidance retrofit kit for TRUS prostate biopsy.

Department of Defense (DoD)

DoD W81XWH-13-JPC1-MPI-ARM 13318017
Lampotang (PI) 7/1/14 – 6/30/19
A modular set of mixed reality simulators for “blind” and guided procedures. Design, build and evaluate 5 mixed reality procedural simulators for the US Army.

US Army Pentagon HQDA ASA (ALT) xTech COVID-19 Ventilator Challenge Part 1
Lampotang (PI) 2020/5/4 – 2020/8/31
Design, build and validate a safe, low cost ventilator from nonventilator supply chain parts for ~$400 in quantities of 10,000s.

National Science Foundation (NSF)

NSF/HCC Medium Grant 1161491
Lok (PI) 7/1/12 – 6/30/16
Plug and Train: Multi-Party Mixed Reality Humans. Design, implement and evaluate mixed reality humans to complete a team for facilitating team training.

American Society of Regional Anesthesia (ASRA)

Ihnatsenka (PI) 6/1/14 – 5/31/16
Towards a curriculum for transferrable training in thoracic epidural and paravertebral block using an advanced mixed-reality simulator. Development and evaluation of a curriculum with intelligent tutor for self-study in thoracic regional anesthesia.

I. Heermann Anesthesia Foundation

Cameron Smith (PI) 2018/10/1- 2019/9/30
Simulator for learning the manual skills required for the placement of regional anesthetic blocks in the pterygopalatine fossa. Design, build and study the efficacy of a pterygopalatine fossa block (PPFB) mixed reality simulator in changing learning and patient outcomes

Smith (PI) 7/1/12 – 6/30/14
Retained urine volume and bacteriuria in traditional vs. vented urine drainage systems. Evaluate in clinical setting the effect of urine-filled dependent loops on retained urine volume (pilot study).

Ihnatsenka (PI) 9/1/11 – 2/28/14
Simulator for Learning Manual Skills Required for Placement Thoracic Epidural and Paravertebral Blocks.

National Institute of Health/National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM)

The University of Texas San Antonio and the University of Florida have received funding from the NIH/NLM to investigate the use of Mixed Simulators and Virtual Humans in managing inter-patient variability to propofol during conscious sedation.

NIH/NLM 1R21LM010829-01A1
Quarles (PI) 4/1/11 – 3/31/13
A mixed reality conscious sedation simulator for learning to manage variability. Design, implement and evaluate a mixed simulation to teach management of patient variability to propofol.

Florida Blue Foundation

BC/BS Florida Blue Foundation 2014845
Sullivan (PI) 2014/01/01-2016/12/31
Utilizing Simulation Scenarios Involving Interdisciplinary Teams for Improving Perioperative Patient Safety Team and affective skills training using Virtual Humans.