Adjustable Continence Therapy (ProACT) Device Placement Simulator

Web page created March 29, 2024; last updated 04/03/2024

Adjustable continence therapy can be used for the treatment of men who have stress urinary incontinence arising from intrinsic sphincter deficiency following radical prostatectomy or transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) and have failed to respond to conservative therapy. With input from Dr. Larry Yeung, a simulator for placement of the ProACT, an adjustable continence therapy device, was developed by the Center for Safety, Simulation & Advanced Learning Technologies , CSSALT with funding from UroMedica. The simulator uses simulated fluoroscopy with no exposure to ionizing radiation to teach proper placement of the ProACT balloon system. The simulator is currently being utilized in the UF Urology residency program and national and international Urology workshops at urology scientific meetings.